Minas Tidal - FORCE
Minas Energy has worked to develop a future industry in Canada with this project. Developing the Fundy Ocean Research Centre for Energy (FORCE) which hosts multiple berths equipped to demonstrate various in-stream tidal technologies.
Project Initiation
The Province of Nova Scotia awarded our company the contract to manage the implementation of an in-stream tidal energy facility in the Bay of Fundy.
Action Plan
Minas used its extensive network to assemble a team of local and international researchers to assess the Bay of Fundy in search of the best location to develop the facility required to bring the electricity ashore. Relying on its vision with key skills in public engagement and project development, Minas Energy;
led the team as it secured the Federal and Provincial Environmental Approvals,
created the appropriate project corporate structure,
secured the funding for the project from the Clean Energy Fund.
Thanks to the successful teamwork led by Minas, Nova Scotia now has North America's first in-stream tidal energy site and a world-class research institution.